Penis Size

Penis Size

It’s natural for us to be curious about sex, and discovering how other people look or act reassures us of how close or far from “normal” we really are! That’s why sex researchers have set out on the challenging task of measuring every last detail … from anatomy - to sexual practice - to sexual preference, etc., etc…

However, the task was (and still is) easier said than done, with widely varying opinions and the unreliability of certain methods of measuring what’s hot, what’s not, and every possible inch in between. Thus, the figures shown below come from various sources and reporting bodies, covering a broad representation of actual facts and figures.

Penis Length

The vast majority of men measure between five and seven inches when fully erect. According to the Kinsey Institute (founded by Dr. Alfred Kinsey in 1947) the average length of an adult penis measures just less than six inches. However, the British Journal of Urology puts the average length of a penis at 5.08 inches, while the International Journal of Impotence Research puts it at 5.35 inches. A non-erect penis usually measures somewhere between 3 to 4 inches.

The current, living record holder for the longest reported penis in the world is Jonah Falcon, who can be seen in an HBO documentary called Private Dicks: Men Exposed. He measures in at 9.5 inches in length when flaccid and 13.5 inches in length when erect.

Back when the famous Kinsey Report - the first ever scientific study of real peoples’ sex lives - was initially released in 1948, Dr. Kinsey found that the smallest reported penis was 1.75 inches when erect. A man who has an erect penis that measures less that 7 cm (or just over 2 inches) is considered to have a micro penis. The condition can usually be treated with hormone therapy or surgery.

Penis Girth

The average girth of an erect penis is between 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference, reports the British Journal of Urology International. How about the girth of the fella who holds the world record for longest penis? It’s a lot like grabbing at the middle of males forearm when it is flexed!

Since the majority of women’s sensitive nerve endings are concentrated near the opening of the vagina, a wider penis will have more impact (than a longer penis) on her sexual enjoyment. Why is this? Because putting more pressure on the vestibular (clitoral) bulbs –the erectile tissue next to the clitoris and extending one on either side of the vaginal orifice - gives a woman the sense of feeling ‘filled up’ while her partner is inside her.

Flaccid versus Erect

Can you tell the size of an erection based on when it’s limp? An article in Psychology Today said this about the relationship between flaccid and erect penises, “Among men, there is no consistent relationship between the size of the flaccid penis and its full erect length. In one study of 80 men, researchers found that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter inch to 3.5 inches longer.

An analysis of more than a thousand measurements taken by sex researcher Alfred Kinsey shows that shorter flaccid penises tend to gain about twice as much length as longer flaccid penises. Kinsey's data showed that about 12% of penises gained one-third or less of their total length with an erection, and about 7% doubled in length when erect.

Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) put out a report which estimates that (worldwide) only 30% of males aged 15 and up are circumcised. In comparison, The CDC estimates that about 65% of all newborn boys get circumcised in the US, though the practice of circumcising boys for medical and cosmetic reasons has become controversial.

Circumcision rates vary by religion and nationality. Almost all Jewish and Muslim males in the world have circumcised penises, and together they account for about 70% of all circumcised males globally. The US has the highest proportion of males circumcised for non-religious reasons. 75% of non-Jewish, non-Muslim American men are circumcised; in Canada, it’s only 30%; in the U.K, it's 20%; in Australia it's 6%.

Height and Penis Size

Is there any connection? Most assume that a tall man will usually have a large penis; a shorter man, a smaller penis. However, this isn’t entirely the case. American sexologists, Masters and Johnson, measured the penis lengths of over 300 men and found there was little correlation. An Italian study of approximately 500 men echoed this point, finding only a small correlation between height and penis length.

Some Other Sex Stats

Average Length of Sex

Worried that everyone is having better, longer and more sex than you? The findings of a survey of sex therapists revealed that they believe the optimal length of sexual intercourse is 3 to 13 minutes, with a median time that was 7.3 minutes. The study, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that each couple that participated had their own time averages, which depended on factors like energy levels and sexual desire.

Sexual Frequency

The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles conducted interviews with almost 20,000 men and women, and found that for women between the ages of 20-29 and men between the ages of 25-34, the maximum number of times they had sex was 5 times per week. By the time men and women reach an age of 55-59, the frequency declined to twice a week for men, and for more than half the female respondents, zero times weekly.

Sexual Dysfunction

Most men aren’t eager to talk about sexual problems, but nearly all of them have experienced problems in the bedroom. The most common issues include decreased libido, premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction (ED). Risk factors for some of these problems include diabetes, heart disease, neurological conditions, smoking, circulation problems, and certain medications.

Does Size Matter?

It is perfectly normal to feel some nervousness or uncertainty when you first become intimate with someone. Poor body image, weak self-confidence or sexual inexperience can all contribute to this negative effect. Penis size, or a lack thereof, can create so much confusion and insecurity, even to the point of obsessiveness. It is useful to have SOME size, but more than a few inches doesn't make the difference between a good lover, or bad. In any case, you don't have to let it weaken your performance; you can pleasure the heck out of someone regardless of size.

We’re no longer living in the proverbial caveman days where a big penis dictates a man's virility, sexuality and masculinity; if it's connected to a vulgar, inexperienced oaf then he doesn't stand a chance. Although a big package might make your life a little easier, you won’t have much of a grace period if you have inexcusable sexual habits. Being a master in the bedroom is not just about deep penetration. It's about having confidence, openness and impressive bedroom skills - with emphasis on skills...

Some women truly don't even like a big penis – it can be uncomfortable or downright painful! Also, of much more importance to a woman is penis girth (measurement around the penis) rather than length; the nerve-endings within a woman's vagina end within a couple of inches, so the sensation of 'feeling full' is generally more about the width than anything else.

Work on your skills and up-sell them! Your penis won't be as big as one of her dildos, so don't bother competing! Why not become the master of cunnilingus and make sure to hone your fingering skills? Or how about turning into a walking sex encyclopedia? You'll impress her with your knowledge and dazzle her with your talent.

Maybe consider a massage course; it can make your partner feel so aroused and will help you appreciate the importance of touch and sensuality.

Feel confident about yourself – if she doesn't think that you're comfortable with your penis, she definitely won't be. The way that you feel about yourself is very apparent to women because they always want to read between the lines. Don't direct so much apprehension to places you're uncomfortable with; a man with a very obvious complex is a big turnoff. She might not have even noticed had you not obsessed about it.

Respect your sexual partner, whether they’re long term or not. This will translate to her feeling more comfortable and more receptive. The openness that she feels will actually improve her sexual experience with you (score for you) but she’ll be much more interested in reciprocating the same respect with inexhaustible invigorated effort. Score for you again.

Utilizing certainSex Positions can make your penis seem like a giant's. Try integrating sexual positions that focus on G-spot Stimulation; they make use of the right angles and shallower penetration. Avoid the showy poses that even the most endowed fellow couldn’t handle. Also consider seeking out specialty condoms that are tailor-made for a smaller penis – when you need to call upon them in your time of need, you won’t be worrying about how they fit.

Tighten up some other areas of concern in your life so that you have fewer things to worry about, let alone what other people might think of your penis. Even just the action of self-improvement will change your self-perception. There are things you could do to procure bedroom approval: exercising to improve body image; having better grooming techniques like trimming or shaving your pubic area; good hygiene (smelling good & having fresh breath); and, preparing your sex space for maximum impact (even if that is only just tidying it up).

Final Thoughts

Most men are concerned that things like penis size and sexual frequency are important factors in pleasing a woman, and if any of these stats make you feel like you fall short, there’s no need to worry. As far as stimulating women during intercourse is concerned, the numbers don’t matter as much as ‘effort to please’ – there is no substitute for being considerate, attentive and honing your skills in order to pleasure your partner! So, throw away the measuring tape and focus on maximizing your talents instead - because ultimately, things like size aren’t indicators of good sex anyway!

No matter what size you are, one thing is for sure: the biggest thing that your partner will notice is how much you respect and satisfy them in bed... honest!

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